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Euro 2024: Poland vs Austria Live Updates and Match Stats

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Keep up with the latest score updates and match stats for the UEFA Euro 2024 encounter between Poland and Austria. This live text commentary will provide you with real-time insights into the unfolding action on the field.

Poland's Hopes Rest on Lewandowski

Poland will be hoping that star striker Robert Lewandowski is fit enough to play in their crucial second Group D match against Austria on Thursday. Lewandowski's presence on the pitch could prove pivotal for Poland's chances of advancing in the tournament.

Group D Standings

Poland vs Austria is the second Euro 2024 fixture of the day, following Slovakia vs Ukraine and preceding the clash between [Team A] and [Team B]. With a draw between Poland and Austria, Scotland could qualify from their group with just two points, as per Sean Norris.

Additional Updates

For the latest updates on the المباراة, stay tuned for live coverage of:

  • Lewandowski's availability for Poland
  • Manchester United's initial contact for a potential transfer

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