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Runcode Planetapi Starsystemapi Locgetstar

Runcode PlanetAPI StarSystemAPI locgetStar

Essential for Making Your Save File Readable

Runcode PlanetAPI StarSystemAPI locgetStar is an essential tool for making your save file readable. It allows you to access the star system data in your save file, which is necessary for making changes to your save file or for debugging purposes.

How to Use Runcode PlanetAPI StarSystemAPI locgetStar

To use Runcode PlanetAPI StarSystemAPI locgetStar, you will need to install the Starsector mod manager. Once you have installed the mod manager, you can open your save file in the mod manager and then select the "Runcode" tab. In the "Runcode" tab, you can enter the following code:

``` locgetStar(); ```

This code will return the star system data in your save file. The star system data includes the following information:

* The name of the star system * The coordinates of the star system * The planets in the star system * The moons in the star system * The stations in the star system

You can use the star system data to make changes to your save file or to debug your save file.

Additional Information

Runcode PlanetAPI StarSystemAPI locgetStar is a powerful tool that can be used to make changes to your save file or to debug your save file. However, it is important to use this tool carefully, as it can also lead to unintended consequences.

If you are not sure how to use Runcode PlanetAPI StarSystemAPI locgetStar, it is recommended that you seek help from a more experienced user.
